Lew's opening blog.
Hi to anyone reading this. Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Lewis, a 21 year old current student from Brighton. The idea of blogging was suggested to me to my brother (who for discretion and confidentiality I will refer to as 'N'). I will refer to all people by their first initial as I reckon this'll help the anonimity of their identity.
Let me bring you up to speed.......
At the mo I am a golf student in Guildford and am very close to the point of finishing. After which, I want to turn professional as soon as possible so maybe I am using this to record my experiences along the way and sharing them with whoever is interested. Before I continue, I understand that golf to many people can be particularly boring but look at it from the point of view of me being a person just merely trying to achieve my goal in life and documenting the trials and tribulations of the journey. No doubt a lot of it will be nonsensical bollocks and rants and raves but nevermind.
Anyways this has been my opening blog. Feel free to post comments toward me.
Above all, watch this space..........
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