Lew's closing blog 2005.....
An excellent christmas was had in the Cains household this year. I awoke in typical fashion - with a blinding hangover. Every year I say to myself that i'll 'go easy' the night before but I guess I'm my own worst enemy. Rachael told me that apparently whilst talking to her on my way home, I stumbled over a wall and tripped into a bush. I have absloutely no recollection of these!!! Perhaps she's having a wee wind-up.
The highlight of my Xmas was having all the family at home, best of all, my little nephew Maxy:

He really is an amazing baby, and I feel very lucky to be able to watch him grow up and perhaps stick a golf club in his hands one day (if his parents permit me). At 6 months old, he is already a proper little lad and his smile is the happiest, cheekiest grin you could ever see.
This will be the last blog I will write in 2005 and before I go further, I would just like to say I hope this blog has been enjoyable and interesting to anyone who has read it. I have found keeping this blog to be particularly enjoyable and it will be great to look back on it in the future.
It's a shame that this blog didn't result in it's initial intention - me becoming a professional golfer but in some ways I feel that the experiences I had through the summer demonstrated how complacent I was really beforehand, and how it really is a tough obstacle to overcome. A highlight of my year was playing in my first test with my bro Sam and to witness him passing. Just wish it could have been both of us. I have certainly learned that nothing in life (and golf!) will come easy and how 'good things come to those who wait' (a mantra I have used repeatedly this year!) I have also learned that I certainly have a huge hunger for a future in golf (much more so than I even thought I did!), and can't wait to embark on it. I've improved so much over the year and I only have to learn to be better mentally on the golf course. This is when I will have truly earned it and how sweet it will be! To any of my friends who read this, thanks for your encouragement this year and I vow to thrust my efforts in to making next year a VERY different story!
I truly look forward to continuing this blog into 2006 and hopefully being able to braodcast better outcomes than I did this year.
In terms of my stats this year - I have played 71 rounds of golf and my average round for the year is 75.49. This makes me laugh and is a true illustration of how these playing tests were messing with my head. To have posted rounds including 85 and 86 in the tests only goes to show that the problem is between my ears. I certainly have no doubt in my ability - NOT ANY MORE ANYWAY!!!
Well anyways, to reflect in other ways on this year, there have been many highlights. Here are a few:
- getting my job and being in a position to begin my career
- having a good job with good benefits and great people around me
- finishing at college with a merit (very proud of this - 2 years VERY hard work)
- the birth of my nephew (by far the biggest highlight)
- a continued very happy relationship with my lady - 3 years now.
- A fantastic holiday in Greece.
- My bro Sam turning pro.
- Rachael getting her dream job (proud of you babe x)
- My other bro becoming a dad and being very succesful in his job too
- Having my dad caddy for me at Weymouth and showing him what I can do.
So, on to 2006. I have been wracking my brains on goals to set myself and resolutions. One thing I have thought is to not set unrealistic aims, but achievable ones. Here are a few:
- Get in to great physical shape. Commit myself to a fitter lifestyle
- Dedicate myself whole-heartedly to my golf game and work on all areas of it as hard as I can throughout the year. I want to be better structured this year and will set plans to stick to.
- PASS PLAYING TEST (my only goal in golf next year - anything else is a bonus!). The most important thing is ensuring I am fully prepared come May. A huge bonus is that I certainly know what to expect now and I will also know how to prepare better.
- Cut out bad habits (which I won't elaborate on)
- Make the Ryder Cup team and win the British Open (perhaps slightly less realistic!)
- learn to sing and improve my keyboard and guitar skills. I am really keen on taking up songwriting as a hobby.
- Be better organised with money (never easy)
- Be the best friend, brother, boyfriend, uncle and son I can be to those involved.
- Don't write off any cars (haha!)
- keep my room tidy (thats for you Ma)
Anyways, I shall now close my diary for this year.
Its been a pleasure to write this blog and I look forward to next years blogging.
Lewis Cains (still an aspiring golf professional 2005).
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