Better news.....
I'm all too aware that my last couple of blogs have been a tad miserable but sometimes if the things that are happening in ones life aren't too great, then that's all that can be written about. No journal would be authentic if it didnt have low times to go with the high ones. Since the misery of last tuesday, many things have happened that have bought back a bit of fun and happiness which is a key to feeling much more positive.
I now truly believe I must have supernatural healing powers. The pains from the whiplash I had on wednesday have now gone completely! Last wednesday I was in huge discomfort and misery, thinking that I would have at least 2 or 3 weeks before recovering! Rather oddly, I woke thursday and thought 'well surely it'll start hurting in a minute?!' because it bizarelly was a hell of a lot looser and less painful than the day before. Then I woke on friday and the pain was 98% gone completely and now it is non existent!
I have spoken to many people about my accident who have also suffered whiplash before and I find it astonishing that I seemed to have escaped so lightly, as one person said they even got pains now, 2 years on!!! I think the reasons for this are probably twofold - I was braced and prepared for the collision (which I discovered can make a huge difference compared to those who crash unexpectedly) and I was doing 25mph tops too and with a seatlbelt on. Thank the lord!
On a funnier note, I was declined my application for a car loan because it turns out i'm not on the electoral roll! Now it makes sense why my parents and brothers always get polling cards thru the post and I don't! I am now looking obviously to rectify this so I can get a car as soon as I can.
On Saturday night, for the first time we had my nephew Maxy to stay for the night. I absolutely loved this. He is for sure (as my mum says), the 'bonniest' baby I've ever seen. It was so nice to finally spend some quality time with the little'un and hopefully make myself a little bit more familiar to him. He had a couple of grizzles as all baby's do but the rest of the time he was a cheeky grinning little happy bundle. I got him out of bed before I went to work sunday morning and spent about half an hour just wandering around the house with him. His interest in absolutely everything around him was brilliant as well as those big wide inquisitive eyes. I really missed him at work that day and fully realise now that I haven't spent enough time with him since he was born.
Anyways, I did something crazy today! - I actually played that silly golf game and I dont know how but I shot 69 - my best score this year. I've got a lesson this week too so am gonna make a bit more of an effort to play a bit more golf now. I've had a breather and have got a lot of appetite for the game again.
Thus, things are certainly on the up - just wish it would stop raining.....
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