Sunday blog....
Not really sure what to blog about today but its a Sunday at work and as usual you would see more life in a morgue!!
Well my practise has been encouraging. Have had another lesson in Chichester and although i'm quite a way from being where I need to be, I was told that i had incorporated the swing changes well and everything was looking much more 'in sync' and in a much better position. This was encouraging to see on the video as well. Whilst he re-iterated my need to continue working on these things, he gave me a drill to improve my hand action (no dont be rude!!!) through impact to help with the occasional hook I am prone to as well to lower my ball flight as it is a bit too high and hard to control, especially in the wind!
I am all booked in for September 1st at Bishop Stortford again. The great news is that I will have my dad on my bag this time which I am hoping will give me the lift I need to get through it. Nothing will spur me on better than the desire to show my old man what I can do and I hope this will be the case! It's most certainly been a frustrating 3 months surrounding this playing test but I have just about managed to put the other tests out of my head now and this one to the forefront.
I will certainly have a few decisions to make, both short and long term if I am unsuccessful again which I will divulge in due course if necessary. All of these decisions however will be centred around what I think is in my own best interest with regard to both golf and non golf related things in my life. In golf terms I mean doing everything I feel is necessary to prepare myself for the following season and more Playing tests. A key thought and belief I have is that I haven't passed my test yet is that I am just not ready and that I will pass when I am ready.
In non golf terms, I am potentially looking into moving in with my lady R, and there is a possibility that this could be somewhere around Essex, as this suits her job which she is 110% committed to for the future. So, we'll see what happens.
If i'm being honest, i'm quite relieved that golf season is almost over. It has certainly taken its toll on me this year and I have learned a lot about golf as well as myself. I have entered a large tournament, the Sussex Open in September and I think that when this is over I will certainly have a bit of a break for a month or two and then come the new year launch myself into preparing for the new year ahead which I desperately hope will be my first season as a professional. The only goal I set myself this year was to turn pro! I have one more shot at it this year so fingers crossed as the idea of waiting another year does not appeal to me!!!!
Stay tuned.....
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