Good days, bad days...
Well forget the former. The latter is to say mildly my views on october 25th 2005!!!
This was the day of the funeral for the lady involved in the train incident.
On my way home from work in the morning to go to the funeral I unfortunately had a crash which would lead to me now being in severe pain with whiplash and a car which has been well and truly written-off.
Basically, to sum up the incident, I was coming down the road which leads to my house when the car in front of me stopped suddenly. Altho I was only doing about 25mph, when I attempted to brake too, my car skidded (it had been raining for about 2 days and the roads were saturated) straight in to the back of the car in front. My car was completely folded up at the bonnett (not a pretty sight) and the lady's car had a large dent in the rear.
When I got out of the car to apologise for hitting her, she brought it to my attention that it was the fault of the car in front of her was to blame for the whole thing as he had broke suddenly with no signalling at all and that it appeared to her that his brake lights hadn't been working. She was very nice and told me that I wasn't to blame and there was nothing I could have done, which there really wasnt.
I wont comment any further on the gentlemans car as I didnt see his actions and therefore that is between him and the lady.
At this stage I just thought i'd sprained my neck slightly.....
Anyways, there was an off-duty policeman on the scene and while we all went off to the funeral, he kindly said that he would arrange to have my car removed.
The funeral was a desperately sad occasion. There is very little more I can say on this matter than I have said already but the husband and two sons (my good friends) were enormously courageous considering their ordeal and I was very proud of their bravery. I wont dwell anymore on this subject.
After we got home from the funeral, calls to get all insurance forms were made and I had to find out where my car was! All this while my neck was getting increasingly more painful and we decided that a trip to A&E was in order.
However, before this we had to go to the car pound in Shoreham to give authorisation for my cars disposal as well as to pay for the recovery. This place was a sorry sight. It was just like a huge car park full of mangled car-cuses (sorry, awful pun!), some of which made my car look quite good.
After my second farewell of the day (and its not even 2pm yet) we set off for the hospital.
I was in and out of A&E in an hour, previously unheard of. The diagnosis was a definite muscular whiplash sprain in the back of my neck and I told it would get quite a lot worse before it would get any better - 'oh good' - I thought! On the way home I picked some drugs and an ointment recommended.
The highlight of my day was going to meet N in a pub in Brighton in the evening for a much needed beer and chill-out session. We hook up quite regularly and I really enjoy these occasions as we get to catch up whats going on with eachother and just talk about allsorts which as the evening progresses, usually gets a tad less coherent perhaps, not to mention very random at times. Haha, cheers N I enjoyed myself as I always do mate. Glad to hear things are going so great with Maxy and A. Long may it continue.
Anyways I awoke this morning, true to form in absolute agony. As I write this, I have swallowed Ibuprofen, put ice on my my neck, heat on my neck and ointment too. To be honest, even with all this it is massively painful. I read up about whiplash and I turns out it can take days or even weeks for the symptoms to peak and I hope this isn't the case with me as I dont think I could handle the discomfort getting much worse than it is right now.
Stay tuned.....
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